Pollinators need our help!
One out of every three mouthfuls of food is dependent on pollinators – that’s bumblebees, other bees, butterflies and moths, hoverflies, other flies, beetles and wasps. As these insects move from flower to flower they move pollen between them, allowing the plant to complete their reproductive cycle and produce fruit, seeds and energy rich roots and tubers.
But there’s been a 60% decline in our flying insects over the last 20 years! Not only are there not enough flowers to provide nectar for them, those that spend time as caterpillars need vegetation to eat. If we lose our pollinators, there’ll be no strawberries, apples, peanuts, olives, carrots, pumpkins or pears.
Take action now for pollinators! It’s easy! You can see what people have been doing to help pollinators on our map below. To find out how you can help, read our blog here and add your pin to our map.